Dr. Alexander Mirtchev Analyzes the Diverse Recovery Potential of Rapidly Developing and Emerging Markets
In an interview with Mergermarket.com, Dr. Alexander Mirtchev, founder and president of Krull Corporation, assesses the diverse recovery prospects for rapidly developing economies and emerging markets, noting that such recovery would be prolonged and uneven, much akin to the Hollywood-style multiple DVD endings for different regions. He stresses that "rapidly developing and emerging market economies are under the same pressure as the developed economies and each will face diverse recovery prospects, based on economic characteristics that vary between each country. All rapidly developing economies are looking for a way out of the recession -- one that would boost their regional and international standing, in the context of global cooperation and in directions they perceive as strategic." The extent to which the fate of these markets is tied to the development of the global economy effectively demonstrates that they are neither "decoupled," nor a "single c...